5 Ways Good Intentions May Inadvertently Undermine Your Leadership

What happens when we are the diminishers and don’t realize it? What if we don’t realize it because we are acting with sincerity and the intention of being multipliers? And to take it one step further, what if we’re following the advice we commonly find in management books?

This is accidental diminisher territory and it’s a dangerous place to be.

The Powerful Sunnah of Small Moments

Can you actually change someone’s life with a brief interaction? 

We have millions upon millions of interactions and experiences, and yet, there only a few that are truly memorable or life-changing. 

The Prophet Muhammad (saw) not only changed lives and created lasting memories for people with small and brief interactions - he gave us the blueprint for doing the same. 

Khutbah Secrets from 3 Public Speaking World Champions

Anyone involved in delivering an address to the community by way of khutbah, halaqah, or even teaching Sunday School is practicing the craft of public speaking.

One way to improve your speaking skills is by studying what others do well that resonates and connects with audiences. With that in mind, I am sharing 3 videos of first place winners from the Toastmasters Public Speaking World Championship along with a few brief things to look for in each video.

Grit and Resilience: The Self-Help vs. Islamic Perspective

I don't really care about grit. 

Persevering and persisting through difficulties to achieve a higher goal is awesome. High-five. We should all develop that. No one disagrees that resilience is an essential characteristic to have. 

Somehow, this simple concept has ballooned into what feels like a self-help cottage industry of sorts. It has a Ted talk with tens of millions of views, podcasts, keynote speeches, a New York Times best-selling book, and finding ways to teach this in schools and workplaces. 

What I do care about is critically analyzing if it is all that it's cracked up to be (spoiler alert: I don't think so), why the self-help industry aggressively promotes it, and how we understand it from an Islamic perspective. For me, this is about much more than just grit - it's about understanding character development from a (mostly Americanized) secular perspective vis-a-vis the Islamic one. 

Who's In Your Personal Shura Council?

About shura in particular, Abu Hurairah observed that he never saw anyone take shura more than the Prophet (s). The one person who had every right to dispense with the input of those around him due to receiving revelation is the same one who consulted his followers the most.